As part of the National Volunteer Week, P&C Day celebrates our lovely volunteers. We would like to thank all our volunteers, whether you volunteer in the Tuckshop or just help us out when we put the call out to pack or set up we really value you, we couldn’t do what we do without our volunteers.
Remembering back to our Myths in Term 1, you can volunteer as much as you’re able to and we won’t keep harassing you. We understand life gets busy but any time you can spare to volunteer just makes it easier for us to continue doing what we do for our school. We have many tasks that we need help with at different times such as admin tasks or sorting order forms when needed or talking to local businesses to get donations for raffles. If you would like to go on our Volunteer register for a specific task please send us an email at
See the 20th May school newsletter for profiles of our P&C President and Vice-President.