The students at Bald Hills have access to numerous additional services to help foster a high level of achievement in all areas.
Student Support Services
Our teachers meet regularly to discuss the needs of students identified as requiring tailored supports or reasonable adjustments in the way they access learning opportunities.
A personalised learning record is created where appropriate for identified students where they require support or extension for learning, for emotional support, for medical plans, or for behaviour. Parents and carers are contacted to be part of the discussion for what's best for the student, and a note goes on a student's report card for the semester.
The school prioritises the access to our resources for services such as speech pathology, our Guidance Officer, and similar professionals, however this resourcing does not always reflect the level of need in the school, so we are keen to work in partnership with families where they have engaged external service providers.
Please get in touch with our HOSES or Inclusion Teacher via the office to discuss how best the school can support interventions where needed.